A service of Haskell New York Inc.
In business since 1928
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Crystal Geyser Alpine Bottled Spring Water - Ready-to-Drink - 127.99 fl oz (3.79 L) - 288 / Pallet

Item Number: CGW12514

Retail Price: 602.89
Our Price: $584.80 / PL (savings 18.09)

Quantity in Stock: 5

  • Bottled at the source - 100% natural spring water
  • Pure and refreshing
  • 100% PET recyclable caps
  • 100% recyclable packaging
  • BPA-free
Free shipping on qualifying orders over $75

Additional Information

Alpine Spring water is only bottled at the water's source ensuring its freshness, quality and taste. Other bottled waters are typically purified tap water, highly processed and flavored with added minerals. This water is captured directly at authentic natural springs. Both the bottles and caps are 100 percent recyclable. The packaging is also 100 percent recyclable.

General Information
Manufacturer: CG Roxane, LLC
Manufacturer Part Number: 12514
Manufacturer Website Address:
Brand Name: Crystal Geyser
Product Name: Alpine Bottled Spring Water
Marketing Information:

Alpine Spring water is only bottled at the water's source ensuring its freshness, quality and taste. Other bottled waters are typically purified tap water, highly processed and flavored with added minerals. This water is captured directly at authentic natural springs. Both the bottles and caps are 100 percent recyclable. The packaging is also 100 percent recyclable.

Packaged Quantity: 288 / Pallet
Product Type: Bottled Water

Product Information
Beverage Form: Ready-to-Drink
Beverage Volume: 127.99 fl oz (3.79 L)

Recycled: No
Assembly Required: No
Country of Origin: United States

Assembly Required: No

Prefix & Stock Number: CGW 12514

About Haskell New York Inc.

Through our MAS GSA® 75 Schedule, Haskell is authorized to sell to government agencies such as Social Security, the Dept. of the Interior and even the Department of Defense. Haskell also supports the AbilityOne® program. AbilityOne® provides employment opportunities to people with major disabilities including the blind, wounded veterans and people living with PTSD.

For three generations, the small family owned business has survived the Great Depression, world war, the emergence of the super-stores and transition to an online world by providing personal service and great products at reasonable prices. Haskell is also a member of the ISG™ (Independent Suppliers Group) and can quote specialty items like apparel and branded promotional items. Call for competitive quotes. Installation services available upon request.

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